Maze Gambit is a board game for two players.
Algebrain is a puzzle video game with the goal of increasing your algebra skills in a fun way.
Philosophy of a Martyr is a philosophy book about ethics.
OOMatch was my Master's thesis, an extension to the Java programming language. Click here for the code (belongs in the ext directory of polyglot 1.3.4).
C* is a programming language I invented.
Shifting Mazes is a QBasic game, a randomized dungeon explorer RPG. is a perl program to do loan calculations, useful if you lend people money.
pick_file is a bash script (for Linux) to easily open files on your computer by typing part of the filename.
meals is my program to manage my meal preparation and generate a grocery list from the chosen recipes.
My recipes (which are formatted to work with my meals program)
Site created 2004, last updated 2024.
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