My bookmarks

Searches, Services
For Kids / Teachers / Parents
Computers And Programming
Free online university courses
Online board games
Free games (rules or printable)
Blogs / Sites Of Various People I Know

Searches, Services:

Board Game Geek

Laws of Canada

Official laws of Canada site dictionary


Urban Dictionary - meanings of slang terms

Public Domain Bible (and another translation here)

Project Gutenberg: Free old books

GameFAQS - Walkthroughs and FAQs for video games

Video Game Geek - Reviews etc. for video games

IMDB: Movie / TV show reviews

See information graphically

EasyBib - automatically generate a bibliography for papers

Wolfram Alpha - ask questions about knowledge (better than asking Google)


Google Sketchup - draw in 3D

ScribbleMaps - draw on maps

Print specific bits of webpages (or save as PDF) by clicking on them

PodBay - find podcasts

Command Line FU - useful commands for Linux / Mac

Public Library Online Databases (includes a way to see all Canadian newspapers of the past 100 years, and a health database for health information)

Creative Commons search - search for free and open content (pictures, music) to include in your creations

Pexels - place to find and upload photos and videos free and royalty-free

TED talks

Duolingo - learn languages by levelling up

Google Translate

Change My View forum

Rewordify - convert English sentences into a more understandable form


Connected Papers - generate a graph of research papers that are related to each other

Academic papers without a paywall

eMachineShop - manufacture or 3D-print custom parts from a CAD file

The Game Crafter - invent and sell board games and order parts for your designed games

Braingle - brain teasers and games

StackExchange - ask questions and find answers to questions


iFixIt - how to fix repair gadgets and other things

Climate Central - shows a map of flooding projections for anywhere in the world for a selected future year

Refseek - search academic sources including encyclopedias

Worldcat - search the contents of libraries around the world, and find the nearest library with a particular book

SpringerLink - scientific documents

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

For Kids / Teachers / Parents:

Scratch (coding for kids)

Tynker (coding for kids)

7 apps to teach children coding


Lesson plans

GIFs to explain math

FreeSpeech app TED talk to translate pictures into language, e.g. for nonverbal children with autism)

Preschool science experiments

Store for teachers (one in Moncton)

Minecraft Edu

BrainPOP educational website

Pivot Animator for creating animations

PowToon for creating animations

StoryBird - write stories to go with given pictures

Incompetech - Royalty-free music to use for projects

Kahoot - create learning games / quizzes for the classroom which are played via individual devices

iMindMap - software to create mind map diagrams

Teacher's Web Series

Teachers Pay Teachers

The Bug Chicks (teaches you about insects)

Math Competitions for grades 7-12

Math Circle presentations from Waterloo

Video explaining autism in child-friendly language

Paper chains

Forest School Guide

Periodic table showing what each element is used for

Te Whāriki curriculum for Early Childhood in New Zealand

Five essential questions for life

The Earth Charter


Half Bakery: Discuss crazy ideas

PhD Comics - grad student comic strip

Improv Everywhere

Tastefully Offensive

XKCD comics

Bizarro comics


thisisnthappiness - a unique art site

Crunchyroll - watch free anime shows

8-bit philosophy

Quick Draw: A game where a computer tries to guess what you're drawing

Computers And Programming:

Free Windows Virtual Machine to use on Linux through VirtualBox

Boost C++ libraries

C/C++ Standard Library Reference

Validate XHTML

Lambda the Ultimate - programming languages community

Ninite - install a bunch of programs on Windows automatically, and keep them updated

yt-dlp - download videos from Youtube and other video sites (use the lastest version to increase the chances it will work)

VIM cheat sheet

Ubuntu Linux Forums


City of Fredericton home page

Leisure Activities (Clubs and Societies)



Cross-country skiing in the woodlot - are the trails groomed?

Fredericton wiki

Walk-in clinics (mainly for people without a family doctor)

eVisitNB (mainly for people without a family doctor)

Free legal services for people with low income

NB 211 - Find various government / social services (can also call 211)

MyHealthNB - access your past blood tests, other tests, and vaccinations

MyRide Fredericton - check the current location of the bus

Strawberry Hill Farms - family farm in NB that you can order food from online

Villeneuve's - family farm in NB that you can order food from online

Free online university courses:



MIT Opencourseware

Academic Earth

Khan Academy

Crash Courses on Youtube

Minute Physics on Youtube

Online board games:

Play Dominion Online

Things: Humour in a Box

Spendee (basically Splendor, with a timer)

Settlers of Catan


Century Spice Road



Android: Netrunner


Free games (rules or printable):


Four on a Couch


International Philosophy Grudgematch


So Long Sucker


Passive House wiki

Primitive Technology - how to build things in the woods with no modern tools

Canada Food Guide

80000 hours - how to have the greatest positive impact with your career

Edible Agroforestry Design Templates

Spice Substitutions (from, extracted only the table)

Running Barefoot (Harvard research)

Human Physiology wikibook

How to identify seedlings (with pictures)

WHO Air Quality Database

The Elements of Style by Strunk & White

Project Euler - math / programming problems

Doomsday algorithm to figure out the day of the week for a given date in your head

Blogs / Sites Of Various People I Know:


Robbie and Robbie



Laura and Laura




Kathy and John



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