Loans script

Loans is a program to do loan calculations, useful if you lend people money. It takes as input some information about the loan and when amounts have been paid back, and generates a "bank statement" showing interest accumulated and the amount still owed. It can also show the amount of interest accumulated in a particular year, for tax purposes.

It takes a plain text file as input, so to run it from a Linux terminal you would use a command like the following: loan.txt 

where loan.txt is your input file. An example input file to specify a $10000 loan at 3% interest per year compounded quarterly might look something like this:

InterestRate 3
10000 05-May-2017
PaidBack 300 01-Jan-2018
PaidBack 200 01-Feb-2018

The PaidBack lines mean $300 was repaid on Jan 1 and $200 was repaid on Feb 1. It produces output looking like this:

InterestRate 3
10000 05-May-2017
Interest 75.56
10075.56 05-Aug-2017
Interest 76.13
10151.69 05-Nov-2017
PaidBack 300 01-Jan-2018
9851.69 01-Jan-2018
PaidBack 200 01-Feb-2018
9651.69 01-Feb-2018
Interest 75.78
9727.47 05-Feb-2018
Interest 71.1
9798.57 05-May-2018
Interest 74.04
9872.61 05-Aug-2018
Interest 74.6
9947.21 05-Nov-2018
Interest 59.64
10006.85 17-Jan-2019

Interest lines show interest accumulated on a particular date. By default, interest is compounded quarterly. The end of the input shows the current value of the loan, including any partial interest earned since the last compounding.

The input file can also specify regular (recurring) payments. For example, input like this:

InterestRate 3
10000 05-May-2017
PayBackRegular 200 01-Feb-2018

means "starting on Feb 1 2018, pay back $200 per month on the loan". This avoids having to type out lots of PaidBack lines in this case.

You can also show the interest accumulated in a particular year, for tax purposes. For example: -t 2018 loan.txt

shows the interest earned in the year 2018.

Requirements: - This is a perl script, so you need perl to run it. If you're using Linux, you might already have perl installed. If you're using Windows, Git Bash is one way it can be run.


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