My Programs and Scripts

For an explanation of the version numbers click here is a program to do loan calculations, useful if you lend people money. It takes as input some information about the loan and when amounts have been paid back, and generates a "bank statement" showing interest accumulated and the amount still owed. It can also show the amount of interest accumulated in a particular year, for tax purposes. It's a perl script, so you need perl to run it.

pick_file is a bash script (for Linux) to easily open files in your home directory (or any directory) by typing part of the filename, rather than having to browse to the file (kind of like QuickSilver)

meals is my program to manage my meal preparation for the week. If you put your recipes on your computer, it constructs a weekly meal schedule from them in a semi-random fashion, then generates a grocery list by extracting the ingredients from the recipes. I also use it to download the recipes and grocery list to my phone which is more accessable than my computer in the kitchen and grocery store respectively.

Shifting Mazes - A computer game I made in QBasic

Software ideas: I have a bunch of ideas on software that I want to write, or that should be written, or ways that existing software should be improved. You can read them here.