Encyclopedia - Adam Richard's web page

├── ants.txt
├── bike
│   ├── adjust_bike_brakes.txt
│   ├── bike_gear_cable_adjustment.jpg
│   ├── bike_gears.html
│   ├── flat_tire.txt
│   ├── replacing_chain_and_gears.txt
│   └── winter_biking.txt
├── board_games_free_rules
│   ├── rules_to_cheat.txt
│   ├── rules_to_four_on_a_couch.txt
│   └── rules_to_spoons.txt
├── clean_stuck_on_food.txt
├── computer
│   ├── android_reduced_tracking.html
│   ├── automatic_login.txt
│   ├── copying_dvd.txt
│   ├── email_registering_trick.txt
│   ├── home_networking.txt
│   ├── iphone_reduced_tracking.html
│   ├── iphone_reduced_tracking_offline.html
│   ├── linux_copy_to_new_hard_drive.txt
│   ├── linux_distrubutions.txt
│   ├── nextcloud_self_hosted.txt
│   ├── numark_ttusb_record_player_linux.txt
│   ├── pausing_programs.txt
│   ├── record_desktop.txt
│   ├── record_sound.txt
│   ├── rotation_metadata_videos.txt
│   ├── setting_up_web_server.txt
│   ├── syncthing_windows_start_hidden.txt
│   ├── usb_disk_consistent_name.txt
│   ├── using_clang-tidy.txt
│   ├── using_laptop_keyboard_for_phone.txt
│   ├── vi_cheatsheet.txt
│   ├── virtualbox_with_raw_hard_drive.txt
│   ├── virtualbox_with_samba.txt
│   ├── word_processing
│   │   ├── list_of_tables_figures_etc_in_openoffice.org.txt
│   │   ├── page_numbers_in_OpenOffice.org.txt
│   │   └── print_small_pages.txt
│   └── writing_udev_rules.txt
├── consumer_info
│   ├── family_farms.txt
│   ├── foods_with_issues.txt
│   ├── investments.txt
│   ├── shoe_sweatshops.txt
│   ├── single_speed_bike.txt
│   ├── socks.txt
│   ├── soil_prices.txt
│   └── usb_otg_phones_tested.txt
├── darn_socks.txt
├── early_childhood
│   ├── childrens_songs.txt
│   └── early_childhood_ideas.txt
├── energy_efficiency
│   ├── carbon_footprint_slides_notes.txt
│   ├── carbon_footprint_slides.pdf
│   ├── carbon_footprint.txt
│   ├── convert_freezer_to_efficient_fridge.txt
│   ├── cooking_methods.txt
│   ├── electric_devices_energy_use.txt
│   ├── solar_panels.txt
│   ├── trash_can_root_celler.txt
│   ├── tree_planting.txt
│   └── water_heater.txt
├── fire.txt
├── fix_clogged_drain.txt
├── fix_leaky_faucet.txt
├── garbage.txt
├── gardening
│   ├── apple_tree.txt
│   ├── biochar.txt
│   ├── canning.txt
│   ├── garden.txt
│   ├── getting_soil.txt
│   ├── lawn_into_garden.txt
│   ├── lovage.txt
│   ├── plant_guilds.txt
│   ├── potato_no-till_gardening.txt
│   ├── seed_saving.txt
│   ├── testing_soil.txt
│   ├── veg_trug.txt
│   ├── vermiculite.txt
│   └── wood_chips.txt
├── green_cleaning
│   ├── diy_cleaners.txt
│   ├── glo_germ.txt
│   ├── info.txt
│   └── making_soap_unsuccessful
│       ├── bars_of_soap.txt
│       ├── make_own_dishwasher_detergent.txt
│       └── make_own_laundry_soap.txt
├── how_to_store_food_with_less_plastic.jpg
├── medical
│   └── vegan_vitamins.txt
├── mosquitos.txt
├── nuts_rancid.txt
├── sew_on_button.txt
├── toilet_leaks.txt
├── vegetables_that_dont_kill_plants.txt
├── video_games
│   ├── arcade_games.txt
│   ├── classic_video_games_worth_owning_by_original_console.txt
│   ├── good_games_of_each_type.txt
│   ├── how_to_configure_controllers_for_pc_gaming.txt
│   ├── how_to_play_wii_games_on_wiiu_without_a_tv.txt
│   └── video_games_worth_owning.txt
├── wild_edibles
│   ├── 20150816_104531.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104539.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104547.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104607.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104612.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104617.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104622.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104627.jpg
│   ├── 20150816_104636.jpg
│   ├── pineapple_weed.jpg
│   ├── sorrel_2022-06-05 11.26.54.jpg
│   └── wood_sorrel_edible.jpg
└── wireless_cancer.txt

13 directories, 109 files

tree v2.0.2 © 1996 - 2022 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
Charsets / OS/2 support © 2001 by Kyosuke Tokoro